I hate robots that tell jokes
I don’t like robots that tell jokes. Humor is a complex concept and I don’t think humans fully understand how humor works. So trying to make robots say something funny feels wrong. I don’t like robots that dance. The robots are not as agile as we humans and every time I see dancing robots, they look like they don’t want to dance but were forced to do it. But we make them tell jokes or dance again, again, again, again, and again.
- 2021/01/06 I found “These Dancing Robots Are Not About Dance: waiving goodbye to 2020 and popular exploitations” by Jessica Rajko. It helped me understand where my hatred is coming from.
- 2021/01/03 There was (yet another) robot dancing video posted from Boston Dynamics. I was amazed at Boston Dynamics’ technical achievement but something still bothered me.
- 2019/11/30 Then there are portrait drawing robots [12], which we humans have been building since 1768.